
The sensor consists of chemically coated

The sensor detects these volatile gases and changes colour. "The expiration date on cold or frozen products is only accurate if it has been stored at the correct temperature the entire time," Sablani said.One problem with current expiration dates is they are based on best-case scenarios.

The sensor consists of chemically coated nanoparticles that react to the gas produced by milk and the bacterial growth that indicates spoilage, according to Shyam Sablani, one of the researchers. That comes from bacterial growth in the food, most of the time.Washington: Researchers have developed a sensor that can tell if milk is still fresh or has gone stale. And it can happen during shipment, or if a consumer gets delayed on the way home from the store.

The breakthrough is in the early stages, but Sablani and his colleagues showed in the study that their chemical reaction works in a controlled lab environment..Though still early, Sablani envisions working with the food industry to integrate his sensor into a milk bottle&China automotive injection mold Factory外部リンク39;s plastic cap so consumers can easily see how much longer the product will stay fresh."We'll have to work # with the industry to make this work.

"If it's going bad, most food produces a volatile compound that doesn't smell good. But you can't smell that until you open the container," said Sablani.Temperature abuse, or the time a product has spent above refrigerator temperature, is very common, he said. But we're confident that we can succeed and help improve food safety and shelf life for consumers," said Sablani


The Nanodegree program incorporates advanced areas

Silicon-valley based global lifelong learning platform Udacity recently announced the launch of its new Nanodegree program: Intro to Machine Learning with TensorFlow.

The Nanodegree program incorporates advanced areas such as manipulating data, supervised & unsupervised learning, along with deep learning. Google, for instance, utilizes this technology in its Cloud product to allow startups to build machine learning models that work on data of any size. The next-generation program in machine learning (ML) introduces learners to the fundamentals of Machine Learning in a way that is effective and engaging at the same time.  Airbnb leverages this technology to improve the guest experience by driving large-scale classification and detection of images and objects.

It also refines the actions that follow certain commands, with Twitter using TensorFlow to rank tweets. Its library offers users to perform various technologically-intensive functions by creating computational graphs.. Developed by Google, TensorFlow is a deep learning framework that is widely used for China wholesale Barrel injection mold外部リンク creating ML models powered by multi-layer neural networks. Through its Nanodegree programs, Udacity aims to upskill its students to enable them to assume such in-demand, high-growth job roles.  TensorFlow is utilized by several organizations to improve the quality of their businesses. As the top skill behind most cutting-edge technologies available today, new-age organizations are employing AI and ML engineers and experts to enhance their operations and lead the R&D department.


According to the minister, it has been estimat

He pointed out that the China pallet mold外部リンク government has initiated various measures for conservation and management of marine biodiversity including demarcation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), prevention of untreated effluent discharge and solid waste particularly plastics and others into the sea waters.. "The impact in other coastal states was relatively less compared to Maharashtra.

According to the minister, it has been estimated that about 80 tonnes of waste from the ocean has been dumped on the citys coastline due to Ockhi cyclone."The clearance of the debris is being managed by the respective state governments and union territories, he added."Extensive damage to the mussel beds was also recorded along rocky coastal stretches of Kerala," he said.

"The Ockhi cyclone resulted in agglomeration of plastic debris along the coasts of Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, Goa and Gujarat, particularly along the major beaches of Mumbai, he said."Due to intense wave activity, a number of coral associated organisms such as sea cucumber, starfishes, stone fishes, puffer fishes, seaweeds, seagrass were found dead along the coast.Mahesh Sharma, the minister of state for environment, in a written reply in the Lok Sabha also noted the cyclone affected the marine biodiversity, especially in the Islands of Lakshadweep, and many coral organism.

The recent Ockhi cyclone led to a piling up of 80 tonnes of plastic debris along the coasts of Kerala, Goa, Karnataka, Gujarat, Maharashtra, and particularly along the major beaches of Mumbai, the government said on Friday.


In the case of medicines not included in this list

The NPPA had recently announced major price cuts for cancer drugs, up to 86 per cent in some cases, and reduced cardiac stent prices by over 75 per cent, capping the ceiling prices of drug eluting stents (DES) and bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVS) at Rs 29,600, and bare metal stents (BMS) at Rs 7,260. In the case of medicines not included in this list, manufacturers can increase the maximum retail price by 10 per cent annually. Including VAT, these stents are expected to cost Rs 31,080 and Rs 7,623, respectively. They range from life-saving medicines used in treatment of cardiovascular diseases and local anaesthetic agents to a popular dermatological lotion. All the drugs are part of the revised national List of Essential Medicines (NLEM).After a notification to the effect is issued, anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, Verapamil for low and high blood pressure, amphotericin injection, an antifungal medication, Lignocaine, a local anaesthetic numbing medication, and calamine lotion used for skin conditions will all get cheaper by 25-30 per cent.

The move to reduce prices of 15 medicines is the latest in a series of price cuts that began late 2016 and has led to reduced costs of around 1,450 drugs.Set up in 1997, NPPA has been entrusted with the task of fixing and revising the prices of pharma products and monitoring of prices of controlled and decontrolled drugs.The NPPA had recently announced major price cuts for cancer drugs, up to 86 per cent in some cases. They will have to deposit the overcharged amount along with 15 per cent interest, failing which criminal action can be initiated against them by NPPA, including cancelling their licence.“The idea is to make treatment of critical diseases more affordable by bringing down the cost of medicines, which constitute a major part of out-of-pocket expenses,” a source said.The move to reduce prices of 15 medicines is the latest in a series of price cuts that began late 2016 and has led to reduced costs of around 1,450 drugs.

In a move to provide relief to patients, India’s drug pricing regulator, National Pharmaceutical China process of molding外部リンク Pricing Authority (NPPA), has proposed slashing the prices of about 15 drugs across the spectrum..The notification is likely to come soon, following which manufactures not complying with the ceiling prices will be penalised.


A prison is intended to be a correctional centre

He left the prison after six months and during this time he was made to sweep the grounds, pick up used cigarette butts, beedi ends and plastic tea cups and also treated badly because he was poor. (Representational image) As the iron bolts slide into place with a metallic clang at the end of the day, the value of freedom  sinks in with a force so brutal that for many inmates it changes the way they react to the sound of a bolt. But it is the other way round as the “prisoner” status is more or less removed, and the “VIP” status continues. Certain situations, they say, cannot be expressed and  can only be experienced.  Public money is sadly spent on making the lives of the influential comfortable in prison and this list includes rowdies, politicians, wannabe politicians, blackmailers and the well connected.

Apparently, for the administration of the prison, where I spent my prime, there is a different scale for the high and mighty. If this doesn’t stink, what does?.But a government official, who indulges in organised looting of natural resources leading to a loss of crores of rupees to the government, gets a cool VIP room, is treated nicely and leaves the prison in one piece. This is not Colombia for something as brazen as that to happen.Here’s a small comparison. I was not aware of any law that says a prisoner’s social status goes with him to prison.  I was under the impression that a prisoner goes to prison for his misdeeds and that he is stripped of many privileges as a free citizen regardless of who or what he is. He had in his possession eight such passes.A prison is intended to be a correctional centre for convicts and a place for judicial remand of undertrial prisoners. Not having to remove footwear before entering an officer’s chamber boils down to self respect. There is a difference between a prisoner and an important prisoner.Now, all of this may appear trivial, but try telling this to the faceless thousands of inmates who are treated like subterranean creatures. The point here is that it is the small things in life that count. The list is endless.

Now, what exactly are the perks of this status? Is it a stroll on Brigade Road, or a shopping spree as was alleged recently? No, it is not. I remember that one labourer was arrested by a squad for trying to sell used day bus passes for Rs10 each. Not being waved away dismissively with a fibre lathi is an award of dignity. It also means that the doctors will treat the patient like well, a VIP. What it means is that the VIP gets to spend more time with visitors,  gets better food,  gets locked up late, his movements are not restricted and he  will not be “shooed” away like a disgusting creature when its time for lock- up. And VIPs get all the small things and the occasional big thing too.While courts do not make a distinction, the prison is entirely different. But here is the catch.  Once imprisoned a VIP should be stripped of his status and treated like other prisoners. A prison is intended to be a correctional centre for convicts and a place for judicial remand of undertrial prisoners. Two hours of extra daily necessities injection mold suppliers外部リンク time outside the barracks or cell is priceless.

The amusing part is a government servant, who enjoys perks from the taxes paid by the public, then abuses his position and swindles public money, again has his life made comfortable in prison using public money.  The saddest part is that low rung young inmates, who are first time offenders, are mightily impressed by the perks enjoyed by VIPs and are overawed when they see a warden saluting them.A prison is intended to be a correctional centre for convicts and a place for judicial remand of undertrial prisoners. Imprisonment certainly counts as one of them. Their eyes open wide in admiration as they see a jailor rush to open a gate for these inmates and fantasise about taking the place of the VIPs, who enjoy such perks in prison.



