
We have a rich heritage of inspired leadership

If this system is implemented, people of other religions may question it as ‘Jai Hind’ is connected to Hinduism. However, it is unjustifiable to use education for political benefits. The content children are taught has to be unbiased and true. The implementation can be left as a choice of respective schools. Then no rules will be necessary because the words o-ring Manufacturers外部リンク will echo naturally in every heart and they will inspire the whole world to be committed to peace and prosperity. It is completely illogical to see difference in response to the roll call.This is not educationAlan Raj, lecturerThis new rule # has nothing to do with education.  The growing intolerance will slowly creep into the educational sector.

Children should be trained in a way so that they grow capable of choosing their own ideology. When India becomes the dream of every child, where communal tolerance dissolves separate identities, conscious capitalism subjugates corporate and political greed, desh ki dharti is made more precious through value creation in the economy, making the lure and shine of foreign education and jobs dull, then perhaps patriotism will sprout naturally in young hearts. Think about their innocent minds before implementing something so political. Patriotism will grow naturally in the budding youths of India when they see its development towards a better, safer and a tolerant country. Such hegemonic tactics were what people like Hitler used – syllabus that glorified the Aryan race, forcing the public to march while repeatedly playing vitriolic speeches Patriotism is not branding someone who opposes such silly, meaningless directives as ‘anti-national’. Patriotism is a feeling that should come naturally. The copies of the notification had already been sent to the district education officials with instructions to implement it from New Year.

In fact, saying ‘Jai Hind’ might encourage our future generation to be more loyal to their country. Instead of improving our education system, the authorities are pandering to certain ideologies. Forcing something on a student proves that purpose of this whole subject isn't served. Saying ‘Jai Hind’ is not the same as praising a religion, it is a slogan used by Indians everywhere in relation to their homeland, saying it in school should not matter.. Will implementing the new roll call system nourish patriotism in children? Or does it feel like an illogical move? Intolerance is growing in India in many sectors.Diversion from educationDr Madhu Gupta, lecturerSchools and education should be spared from political actions and roll call has nothing to do with patriotism.I do not find room for intolerance in this matter as long as the purpose gets manipulated. As per reports, the minister said that the system had been followed in Gujarat decades back, and there is nothing wrong in taking inspiration from such an initiative. Let’s be driven by their vision and make our country a flourishing home that every child feels immense gratitude for being born into. Living as a law-abiding citizen in our country, paying taxes, volunteerism, being honest is more than enough to nurture patriotism.

Earlier, the Rajasthan government kicked up a row by revising contents of textbooks to glorify the Modi government.Leave decision to schoolsSreelatha Nair, bloggerI don’t find anything wrong in the move. Joshi was recently recognised by the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad for his activities in the education field, which include making his students say ‘Jai Hind’ and ‘Jai Bharat’. I believe this call system will increase differences among students of all groups. Patriotism can’t be imparted  in one day. It may help imbibe a sense of belongingness among children. We need to teach students discipline, which is the primary step to patriotism. Textbooks should be prepared with the sole intent to contain knowledge that will educate the students and not for flattering a person in power.Cannot cultivate PatriotismSuzy Singh, social thinkerPatriotism cannot be cultivated merely through force of rule; it is the pride one feels for the country as a result of the alignment with its beliefs, purpose, goals, accomplishments and ideologies that stand the test of time, particularly where the rubber hits the ground. If the move is intended to nurture patriotism, then the kids should be taught discipline first. We don’t need to teach them different ideologies and make them fundamentalists; teach them moral values and discipline. Is it spreading to education sector, too?Intolerance is creepingAllen Mathews Shibu, studentThe national anthem before the start of a movie doesn't bring or nurture any kind of patriotism in moviegoers. I would never appreciate this action because it is a diversion from the main purpose of education.

We have a rich heritage of inspired leadership. The decision was taken by State Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama, who was inspired by a history teacher named Sandeep Joshi in Jalore district.I find Nothing wrongRanjani Balachander, parentThere is nothing wrong to be patriotic about our nation since the term ‘Jai Hind’ has no religious connotations; so I think there is nothing wrong with students saying it out loud in class.As per the notification issued by the Directorate of Primary Education and Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, the students of classes 1-12 in government, grant-in-aid and self-financed schools have to follow the new system.


