
Its no secret that some people edit their selfies before posting

"I like my selfies and hence they MUST be admired by my friends and peers and gather at least a 100 &China Wholesale Custom Back-lit crystal letter Signs外部リンク39;likes in 24 hours! I cant stand getting just 20 likes and think thats dreadful and awful! Disliking my selfies equates to rejecting ME!"These extreme modes of thinking may lead to feelings of inferiority, depression and shame. According to American sociologist Charles Horton Cooley, an individuals self is initially created through the ideas and concepts that others have about him; people learn whom they are from others and from their imagination of how they appear to others. Or pausing long enough to reflect. It may impose unrealistic standards about looking good upon young, impressionable minds.

Is that necessarily a problem? Dr Annunciation avers, "Todays world is extremely visual and unless you make a strong impact, you are likely to be forgotten."(Srilatha Srikant is a practising psychotherapist and REBT practitioner. Or anger and aggression towards those who seem to reject us. Putting your best face forward in the digital realm is essential today.Social media allows reputation management as its users can reveal aspects of themselves in a selective, controlled and socially desirable way.Everyone is clicking selfies. "Its fun to have a camera and its fun to take pictures. But is social media usage turning some of us into narcissists? Dr Annunciation says, "I dont think this is a more narcissistic generation than the previous ones.Is selfitis an alarming mental health condition? Or is all this hoo-ha and debate around selfies one more instance of non-millennials over- pathologising activities that millennials enjoy? “The term selfitis has become fairly commonly used and although I hear the term often enough, Im yet to meet a patient who comes with this as a primary concern. Selfish quickly became a New York Times bestseller. Famous Selfie: Ellen DeGeneres tweeted an image of selfie with Bollywood superstars taken at 2014 Oscar awards. Does that mean they are wrong? Absolutely not!

Perspectives have shifted from the generation that thought dressing up was for vain people, to everyone feeling, why cant I look good inside and out? Todays generation has the money to spend and does not mind spending it on looking good and thats not all bad.. Bed selfies, no make-up selfies, mirror selfies, sick selfies, duckface selfies… the list is endless. And by some people, we mean pretty much every social media-savvy celebrity and a slew of your friends. But is this a symptom of an epidemic? No, not necessarily, say experts. Its not the fact that we have this new affordance where anything can be a picture. And credulous teens like Sonali, with low self-worth, may succumb to pressure and coercion and act impulsively.

Dichotomous may foster an unrealistic view of self, as either approved and liked or disapproved and disliked. Decision-making skills may be poor during the teen years. This pressure extends to sending sexts. Whats wrong or unethical in presenting ones best face? When a society insists upon a certain kind of a look, it raises the bar for whats considered normal. The sexualisation of culture means that many young people feel theres an expectation to look a certain way and be sexually active. In 2014, a viral story reported that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) had coined "selfitis" to denote a new mental disorder about people who obsessively shoot and share selfies online. "My peers saw me as this boring, one-dimensional person - a nerd who didnt party or mix around with boys. I think there is a paradigm shift in the way we look at healthy body image expression and over time we may actually see what todays narcissism is expressed as tomorrows humility. Or acceptable. If you get just 20 likes for your selfies, you may choose to think, "I like my selfies and Id be great if my peers liked them too and gave me about a 100 likes in 24 hours; but they dont absolutely HAVE TO! If my selfies are judged harshly, I can tolerate the backlash; in no way is this a measure of my self-worth.


