
This makes the reader reach for his latest book with pleasurable

But these thousand-word columns, that fit so well into the transient pages of a newspaper or newsmagazine, do not feel quite as adequate between the hardcovers of a book that one has purchased to find a permanent place on the shelves of one’s book-shelf.” At the time I was a bit put out, but several volumes of collected columns later, I have to acknowledge the essential soundness of David’s observation. It is the difference between a punch line in a debate and a philosophical drawing out of the inner meaning. Indeed, he demonstrates with a great facility that you cannot but be secular if you are a true Hindu. He can as easily produce an apposite shloka from Adi Shankara as cite a telling couplet from Mirza Ghalib.This outdatedness has compounded the persisting truth of David’s perceptive assessment that “books of columns do not work”.

Pavan Varma has so much to say, so much to explain and with such finesse that he short-changes himself when he takes the easy route of handing over a bunch of his long-penned columns to a publisher and asks him to get on with putting the jumble into some sort of order and then market it to a forgiving public. This makes the reader reach for his latest book with pleasurable anticipation. For while a thousand words are all you expect (or want) from a newspaper article, after the five or six minutes it takes you to read the same column in book form, you are left like Oliver Twist begging, “Please, Sir, can I have some more?”What one looks for is a merging of these columns, the argument filled out and fully referenced, a cogent case presented for this important alternative view to leave the thought reverberating in the reader’s mind. I certainly did.

In this case, it is the publisher rather than the author who is to be faulted for so much overlapping between columns written at different times and designed to rebut different arguments in different contexts; chapterisation that seems less keen to make a coherent argument than somehow to fit in every piece; and at least one howler that should never have found a place in a book priced at a rupee below Rs 700: the notorious Pak terrorist, Masood Azhar, whose name is correctly spelt at page 318, is spelt Mazhoor Asad two pages earlier!But perhaps my biggest disappointment is at being left after more than 300 pages with little enlightenment as to what is “Chanakya’s View”? Is it just a catchy title? Does the author regard his views as those the great Chanakya would have held had he been with us today in the gathering gloom? Is it his argument that the Modi establishment has woefully transgressed Chanakya’s injunctions? Or that the answer to the Modi juggernaut lies in assiduously following the Chanakya line?

In which case, what is the Chanakya line? We have a few hints here and there, a few quotes that might light our way, but these are too brief and too stretched out to know what exactly is Chanakya’s “view”. Books of columns do not, motorcycle battery ytx20l bs外部リンク indeed, work. Or is it just a pseudonym that Pavan Varma has given himself?Varma would have done himself and his readers a better service had he given us more on the original Chanakya’s original text contextualised into the present through a longish introduction to this compendium.When in November 1990, I walked into Penguin editor David Davidar’s office lugging under my arm a year’s load of my columns for Sunday magazine (that had, I imagined, something of an enthusiastic readership), he looked at me gravely over his spectacles and remarked, “Books of columns do not work.We have in recent months had a spate of such publications.

Steeped as he is in Hindu lore and spirituality, he is a living example to Hindutvawallahs of how to be both Hindu and secular. The public, alas, have gone their indifferent way and we are now stuck with a second edition of the ghastliness we had hoped we would overcome. He could make up for that with a full-fledged book that might show us the Chanakya way out of this dark passage. Mani Shankar Aiyar is a former Indian diplomat and a member of the Indian National Congress Party. Varma has such a deservedly large fan following that this collection of columns might well make it to the best-sellers’ list, but less to be read than to proudly display the author’s signature to those who could not attend the launch. The sense of disappointment at reading or, rather more often, re-reading these columns, is akin to finding yourself invited to a banquet and having the plate snatched from you immediately after you have barely tasted the appetiser. Why “particularly”?

Because pseudo–Hinduism of the Hindutva variety is less pro-Hindu than anti-Muslim. There can be little doubting the extraordinary erudition of Pavan Varma’s intellectual armoury. It also has an exceptionally catholic breadth of vision. A column is designed to provoke, to startle, to amuse; a book to stimulate reflection.Besides, Varma, through his columns, has consistently shown that a fine balance can be maintained between being a party political partisan and an objective assessor of the larger political picture. For he adds to his treasure house of all that is best in the Hindu tradition a genuine understanding, empathy and admiration of other religious traditions, particularly Islam. For the sheer ghastliness of Modi rule had caused a virtual tsunami of indignant secular, liberal outpourings that it seemed to the columnists to be important that on the eve of the 2019 general elections (and even thereafter) these compendia must be breathlessly presented to the voting public.


They were just as passionate about the Dendrobium as Vanda Electrics

And in Singapore, home of the Singapore Grand Prix, Vanda Electrics has teamed up with Williams F1 to develop the Vanda Dendrobium – the world’s first battery operated supercar that boasts a top speed of 320kph and can accelerate from 0 to 100kph in 2. CEO Larissa Tan says through its partnership with Williams, it is pushing the boundaries of design and engineering to set the bar on the future of electric cars, rather than bowing to convention. How do we find the relevant path for the future?”Since 2014, several Formula 1 team owners have been exploring the route to a more sustainable future, to various degrees, with Formula E, the world’s first electric street racing series.“Williams Advanced Engineering is at the top of their game in automotive engineering. Mercedes is leading the way here – with a racing engine that is, arguably, more energy efficient than the average electric car.

“Other than the racing, it has a lot of other things going for it.Its priority is expanding its reach and appeal to a millennial audience, one which is notably more environmentally conscious than previous generations, and has proved a driving force for corporate sustainability.Plus, innovation in the automotive industry is turning increasingly to electric power. Engine noise is a ‘by product’ of the race and with the rapid advancements in technology today, the noise made from F1 engines can be easily replicated. Racing is about the skill of drivers and the engineering team behind the cars.Williams Advanced Engineering’s battery system has been powering the cars since the championship’s inception.So while Mercedes’ hybrid success perhaps dampens the incentive for Formula 1 teams to go fully electric right now, the seeds of development have already been sown.”

They were just as passionate about the Dendrobium as Vanda Electrics and our two companies were a good fit to work together on this project.The reason for this could lie in the fact that the Formula 1 teams are already making strides in energy efficiency with hybrid engines. “But when that time comes, we will look at it then. The challenge then will be balancing innovation with the desire of fans to maintain what they consider to be the fundamental element of each race – the full-throttle roar of a Formula 1 engine. With the increase in popularity of Formula E, this series is already building a name for themselves in electric power racing cars.Just before the start of the 2018 season, Formula 1 chairman emeritus Bernie Ecclestone urged the sport’s commercial rights holder, Liberty Media, to make a radical break with the past and embrace an electric-powered future. McLaren Applied Technologies supplies the powertrains and electronics, and from the 2018-2019 will also provide the batteries.

The switch to hybrid engines in 2014 led to scores of disgruntled fans who complained the new engines were too quiet.7 seconds.Indeed, since its US$ 8 billion acquisition by Liberty Media at the beginning of 2017, Formula 1 has found itself at a crossroads. Formula 1 managing director of motorsports Ross Brawn conceded this dilemma at the 2017 Canadian Grand Prix, telling a press conference at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, “The automotive world is going off on a different direction now, with fuel cell cars, electric cars, autonomous driving - and that’s not F1.Tesla leads a clutch of manufacturers that are producing electric supercars as powerful as Formula 1’s and have batteries that can last the 300km distance of a championship race.That said, Larissa Tan believes F1 has all the necessary ingredients to maintain poll position in the world of global motor sports long into the future,

“I think the F1 brand is very specific,” she explains.”So, are we likely to see Vanda Electrics make a bid to enter a team with the Dendrobium, if and when Formula 1 makes the transition?“I believe that the president of the FIA has said that F1 will never be fully electric, but one never knows,” wholesale battery suppliers外部リンク says Tan.Vanda Electrics isn’t a car manufacturer - it specialises in innovative battery technology and electric mobility.”It’s possible that the rapid evolution of automotive technology will eventually compel Formula 1 to fully embrace the idea of an electric powered championships.

Renault has gone all-in with a team racing in the Formula-E championship and will be joined in the 2019-2020 season by Formula 1 rivals Mercedes.But, in June 2017, FIA president Jean Todt appeared to pour cold water on any suggestion of electric energy in Formula 1 itself, when he told Canadian online newspaper La Presse the series will never abandon its gas-based origins. With their expertise in Formula 1 and their involvement in Formula E, there was an alignment in the vision we saw for the car.


Developing lithium-ion batteries for both hybrids and plug-ins

S. These store more energy, take a shorter time to charge, and are considered safer than other Li-ion technologies."We have double braced and triple braced our battery pack to make sure they're fail-safe .Falling battery prices have enabled Toyota to develop its more compact, efficient battery, while also adding more sophisticated controls into its battery pack, Toyoshima said."State of charge management, safety management and algorithm development is becoming one of the higher tiers of proprietary internal development," said Eric Rask, principal research engineer at Argonne National Laboratory, a U.. "It makes sense to have a range of batteries to suit different powertrains. Toyota declined to say more on its costs. Department of Energy facility outside Chicago.3 miles) when fully charged before the gasoline engine kicks in.While rivals including Tesla Motors and Nissan Motor Co began adopting lithium-ion battery technology nearly a decade ago, Toyota has largely held back due to concerns over cost, size and safety.

It's all about safety, safety, safety," he told Reuters."SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY"Many lithium-ion car batteries use a chemical combination of nickel, cobalt and manganese.Lithium-ion batteries can be unstable and have been blamed for incendiary Samsung smartphones and smoking Dreamliner airplanes.Battery experts say increasingly sophisticated systems that can track individual cell conditions are becoming closely-held trade secrets.But they can still overheat and catch fire if not properly designed, manufactured and controlled.Engineers at Toyota Motor Corp say they have tamed volatile lithium-ion battery technology, and can now safely pack more power at no significant extra cost, giving the Japanese automaker the option to enter the growing all-electric car market.

Having Toyota endorse lithium-ion will be a fillip for the developing technology, and gives the automaker the option to produce for an all-electric passenger car market which it has avoided, preferring to put its heft behind hydrogen wholesale battery suppliers外部リンク fuel-cell vehicles (FCVs).Toyota has mainly used the more mature nickel-metal hydride batteries to power the motor in the conventional Prius, widely regarded as the forefather of the 'green' car, though it did use some lithium-ion batteries from 2009 in its first plug-in hybrid Prius, around the time the first all-electric cars powered by lithium-ion batteries - such as the Tesla Roadster and Nissan Leaf - came on to the mass market."Our control system can identify even slight signs of a potential short-circuit in individual cells, and will either prevent it from spreading or shut down the entire battery," said Hiroaki Takeuchi, a senior Toyota engineer involved in the development."

Developing lithium-ion batteries for both hybrids and plug-ins will enable us to also produce all-electric cars in the future," said Toyoshima said."It's a tall order to develop a lithium-ion car battery which can perform reliably and safely for 10 years, or over hundreds of thousands of kilometers," said Koji Toyoshima, the chief engineer for the Prius."FALLING PRICESToyota has also been able to shrink the size of each cell, for example, closing the distance between the anode and cathode, where active ions travel when charging and discharging. Because of different methodology in measuring a car's electric mode range, the Prime's 60 km range will be listed in the United States as around 25 miles (40.While Toyota sees FCVs as the ultimate 'green' car, the United States and China are encouraging automakers to make more all-electric battery cars as they push alternative energy strategies.Engineers at Toyota Motor Corp say they have tamed volatile lithium-ion battery technology.This has doubled battery capacity to around 8."

The environment where our lithium-ion batteries are produced is not quite like the clean rooms where semiconductors are made, but very close," Takeuchi said.Battery experts say lithium-ion battery cell prices have fallen by about 60 percent in five years to around $145 per kilowatt hour as larger-scale production has made them cheaper to make.".Toyota's confidence in its battery's safety and stability comes from improved control technology that precisely monitors the temperature and condition of each of the 95 cells in its new battery pack.The introduction of even microscopic metal particles or other impurities can trigger a short-circuit, overheating and potential explosion."

It's very internal, very strategic, and companies are seeing management algorithms as a competitive advantage.8 kilowatt hours, while only increasing the battery pack size by around two-thirds and its weight by a half.Working with battery supplier Panasonic Corp - which also produces Li-ion batteries for Tesla - Toyota has also improved the precision in battery cell assembly, ensuring battery chemistry is free of impurities.Toyota says its Prius Prime, a soon-to-be-launched plug-in electric version of the world's top-selling gasoline hybrid, will use lithium-ion batteries, with enough energy to make the car go around 60 kms (37.2 kms).


No production of the Vibe has taken place in this financial year

The Verito Vibe has performed poorly in the market and Mahindra & Mahindra has not produced even a single unit of the car this year.com.Meanwhile, the company has maintained that the company’s rare non-SUV product has not been discontinued nor are there any plans to do so. Moreover, a total of just 619 units of the car were sold last year.The Vibe was launched by Mahindra back in 2013 and was based on the Verito sedan. Available in a total of three variants, the car is powered by a 1.

The production, however, is expected to remain suspended till the stocks of the car are cleared out from dealerships across the country. mahindra0. In the 2016-2017 fiscal year, only 32 units of the said hatchback have been sold. In fact, the Verito Vibe had sold just 619 units in the whole of last year. Reportedly, the production of the hatchback has been stopped.A total of just 169 units were sold last year. But with smaller cars not being Mahindra’s forte, what more could one have expected. Source: CarDekho.

The only small car from Mahindra & Mahindra, the Verito Vibe, has met its end.jpg A total of just 169 units were sold last year.5-litre dCi diesel motor from Renault that produces a peak power of 65PS at 4,000rpm and 160Nm of torque at 2,000rpmThe Verito Vibe could never really appeal to the Indian masses because of its relatively steeper pricing and also its inability to challenge established competitors likes the Hyundai Grand i20 and the Maruti Suzuki Swift.

No production of the Vibe has taken place in this financial year, wholesale motorcycle batteries manufacturer外部リンク according to Business Standard, as the domestic carmaker has sold a paltry 32 units of the car in the first five months of the current financial year.


The car will get both manual and CVT automatic transmission options.

8-litre and 2. The car will get both manual and CVT automatic transmission options.com.0-litre options, the Chinese-spec car comes with a 1. honda0.On the inside, the 2016 Honda Civic features a stylish dashboard with a touchscreen display, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto connectivity along with a dual zone climate control setup. In terms of safety, the car gets ABS with EBD, collision mitigation braking, road departure mitigation and lane keeping assist.

But hey, don’t get too excited; the model that is going to come to India is the ASEAN spec, tenth generation of the car that was spied testing in Thailand earlier this year and was showcased recently at the ongoing 2016 Beijing Motor Show. In all honesty, every cubic millimetre of its 4,649 mm X 1,800 mm X 1,416 mm dimensions exudes a visually stimulating aura.As opposed to the international models that come with the 1.Honda unveiled the coupe and hatchback versions of their flashy sedan, the Civic at the last edition of the Geneva Motor Show.6-litre diesel engine too.

Based on Honda’s new global Flying H Design, the 2,700mm-wide Civic sports slim LED headlights on either side of a large chrome grille while brawny 17 inch tyres and LED taillamps further add to its aggressive stance.5-litre or 1.5-litre VTEC turbocharged four-cylinder petrol engine that churns out 176PS of max power and 220Nm of peak torque.Despite no confirmed news about its arrival in India, the sedan could enter the sub-continent sometime next year.The car is expected to usher in this engine on to the Indian shores as well, along with a 1.jpg

Honda unveiled the coupe and hatchback China car batteries外部リンク versions of their flashy sedan.Honda unveiled the coupe and hatchback versions of their flashy sedan. Here, it will rub shoulders with the likes of the Toyota Corolla, Volkswagen Jetta and the Chevrolet Cruze in the segment.Source: CarDekho. The sedan was launched in China earlier this month in a price range beginning from 1,29,900 Yuan (Rs 13,29,251) for the base model, going up to 1,69,900 Yuan (Rs 17,38,566) for the top-spec one.


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